Film | Rolle | Jahr | Rev. | Ø |
Der Galgenbaum (The Hanging Tree) | George Grubb | 1958 | 5 | 4.8 |
Anatomie eines Mordes (Anatomy Of A Murder) | Claude Dancer | 1959 | 5 | 5.6 |
Haie der Großstadt (The Hustler) | Bert Gordon | 1961 | 4 | 5.75 |
Die Totenliste (The List Of Adrian Messenger) | Anthony Gethryn | 1963 | 2 | 4.5 |
Dr. Seltsam, oder wie ich lernte, die Bombe zu lieben (Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb) | Gen. 'Buck' Turgidson | 1964 | 16 | 5.12 |
Der gelbe Rolls-Royce (The Yellow Rolls-Royce) | Paolo Maltese | 1964 | 4 | 4.5 |
Die Bibel (The Bible: In The Beginning...) | Abraham | 1966 | 3 | 2.33 |
Finger weg von meiner Frau (Not With My Wife, You Don't!) | 'Tank' Martin | 1966 | | |
The Crucible (The Crucible (1967)) | John Proctor | 1967 | | |
Der tolle Mr. Flim-Flam (The Flim-Flam Man) | Mordecai | 1967 | 1 | 5 |
Petulia | Dr. Archie Bollen | 1968 | | |
Patton - Rebell in Uniform (Patton) | General George S. Patton Jr. | 1969 | 8 | 5.5 |
Der verkehrte Sherlock Holmes (They Might Be Giants) | Justin | 1971 | | |
Wen die Meute hetzt (The Last Run) | Harry Garmes | 1971 | | |
Hospital (The Hospital) | Dr. Herbert Bock | 1971 | 2 | 5 |
Die Rache ist mein (Rage (1972)) | Dan Logan | 1972 | | |
Polizeirevier Los Angeles-Ost (The New Centurions) | Kilvinski | 1972 | | |
Ölrausch in Oklahoma (Oklahoma Crude) | Mase | 1973 | | |
Klauen wir gleich die ganze Bank (Bank Shot) | Walter Upjohn Ballentine | 1973 | 1 | 5 |
Der Tag des Delphins (The Day Of The Dolphin) | Jake Terrell | 1973 | | |
Die Hindenburg (The Hindenburg) | Colonel Franz Ritter | 1974 | 11 | 4.45 |
Inseln im Strom (Islands In The Stream) | Thomas Hudson | 1977 | | |
Der Prinz und der Bettler (Crossed Swords) | Ruffler | 1977 | 1 | 4 |
Hardcore - Ein Vater sieht rot (Hardcore) | Jake VanDorn | 1979 | | |
Das Grauen (The Changeling) | John Russell | 1980 | 5 | 4 |
Die Formel (The Formula) | Barney Caine | 1980 | 1 | 4 |
Die Kadetten von Bunker Hill (Taps) | General Harlan Bache | 1981 | 1 | 4 |
Charles Dickens' Weihnachtsgeschichte (A Christmas Carol) | Ebenezer Scrooge | 1984 | 3 | 4 |
Der Feuerteufel (Firestarter) | John Rainbird | 1984 | 10 | 3.7 |
Comic-Stars gegen Drogen (Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue) | Smoke | 1990 | | |
Der Exorzist III (The Exorcist III) | Kinderman | 1990 | 6 | 3.33 |
Bernard & Bianca im Känguruland (The Rescuers Down Under) | McLeach | 1990 | 20 | 4.8 |
Malice - Eine Intrige (Malice) | Dr. Kessler | 1993 | 8 | 4.5 |
Der Prinz und der Prügelknabe (The Whipping Boy) | Blind George | 1994 | 1 | 4 |
Tyson (Tyson (1995)) | Cus D'Amato | 1995 | | |
Angus - Voll cool (Angus) | Grandpa Ivan | 1995 | 3 | 3.67 |
Titanic (Titanic (1996)) | Captain Edward J. Smith | 1996 | 12 | 4.17 |
Die 12 Geschworenen (12 Angry Men (1997)) | Juror #3 | 1997 | 13 | 4.92 |
Gloria (Gloria (1999)) | Ruby | 1999 | 3 | 3.67 |
Wer Sturm sät (Inherit the Wind (1999)) | Matthew Harrison Brady | 1999 | | |
70 Jahre Twentieth Century Fox (Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years) | General George S. Patton Jr. | 2000 | | |
Religulous - Wer's glaubt wird selig (Religulous) | Abraham | 2008 | 8 | 4.25 |