Film | Rolle | Jahr | Rev. | Ø |
Der grosse Treck (The Big Trail) | Indian | 1930 | 1 | 5 |
Mord in der Rue Morgue (Murders In The Rue Morgue (1932)) | Indian at Sideshow | 1932 | 1 | 5 |
Rose-Marie | Dancer in Totem Tom Tom | 1936 | | |
Zorro - der tollkühne Caballero (The Bold Caballero) | Indian | 1936 | | |
Mein Mann der Cowboy (The Cowboy And The Lady) | Rodeo Indian | 1938 | | |
Union Pacific | Indian | 1939 | 3 | 4.33 |
Die grüne Hölle (Green Hell) | Indian | 1940 | 1 | 3 |
Arizona (Arizona (1940)) | Indian | 1940 | | |
Nordwest-Passage (Northwest Passage (Book I - Rogers' Rangers)) | Scout | 1940 | 5 | 4.4 |
Rote Teufel um Kit Carson (Kit Carson) | Indian | 1940 | | |
Überfall der Ogalalla (Western Union) | Indian Who Drinks Chemical Solution | 1941 | 3 | 4.67 |
Die Königin vom Broadway (My Gal Sal) | Indian | 1942 | | |
Ten Gentlemen from West Point (Ten Gentlemen From West Point) | Indian | 1942 | | |
Das Lied des Wilden Westens (Can't Help Singing) | Indian Scaring Caroline | 1944 | | |
Karten, Kugeln, Banditen (Plainsman And The Lady) | Indian | 1946 | 1 | 4 |
Die Unbesiegten (Unconquered) | Red Corn | 1947 | | |
Die rauhen Reiter der furchtlosen Legion (The Gallant Legion) | Indian Warrior | 1948 | 1 | 4 |
Nacht in der Prärie (Blood On The Moon) | Toma | 1948 | | |
Sein Engel mit den zwei Pistolen (The Paleface (1948)) | Chief Iron Eyes | 1948 | 1 | 5 |
Abenteuer im Wilden Westen (The Dude Goes West) | Pipe-Smoking Indian | 1948 | | |
Zweikampf am Red River (Massacre River) | Chief Yellowstone | 1949 | | |
Der gebrochene Pfeil (Broken Arrow (1950)) | Teese | 1950 | 6 | 4.5 |
Reporter des Satans (Ace In The Hole) | Indian Copy Boy | 1950 | 4 | 5.75 |
In der Hölle von Missouri (California Passage) | Indian | 1950 | | |
Im Lande der Comanchen (Comanche Territory) | Comanche | 1950 | | |
Die Hölle der roten Berge (Red Mountain) | Ute Indian | 1951 | | |
Sein letzter Verrat (The Last Outpost) | Mangas Coloradas | 1951 | 1 | 4 |
Keine Gnade für Johnny T. (Fort Defiance) | Brave Bear | 1951 | 1 | 4 |
Der weisse Sohn der Sioux (The Savage) | Warrior | 1952 | 2 | 4.5 |
Der weite Himmel (The Big Sky) | Blackfoot Subchief | 1952 | 2 | 4.5 |
Bleichgesicht Junior (Son Of Paleface) | Chief Yellow Cloud | 1952 | | |
Montana Belle | Cherokee | 1952 | | |
Das letzte Gefecht (Sitting Bull) | Crazy Horse | 1954 | 1 | 5 |
Pfeile in der Dämmerung (Arrow In The Dust) | Chief Rasacura | 1954 | | |
Die weisse Feder (White Feather) | Indian Chief | 1955 | 4 | 4.5 |
Westwärts - Die Karawane der Furchtlosen (Westward Ho, The Wagons!) | Many Stars | 1956 | | |
Um jeden Preis (Comanche) | Medicine Arrow - The Medicine Man | 1956 | 2 | 4.5 |
Schieß oder stirb! (Gun For A Coward) | Chief | 1957 | | |
Blinder Hass (Ride Out For Revenge) | Cheyenne Indian | 1957 | 3 | 4 |
Das Herz eines Indianers (The Light In The Forest) | Cuyloga's Counsellor | 1958 | | |
Ein Schuss und 50 Tote (Alias Jesse James) | 2nd Indian on Train | 1959 | 1 | 5 |
Die Dame und der Killer (Heller In Pink Tights) | Indian | 1960 | | |
Entscheidung am Big Horn (The Great Sioux Massacre) | Crazy Horse | 1965 | 2 | 4 |
Nevada Smith | Taka-Ta | 1966 | 9 | 5.11 |
Big John macht Dampf (Something For A Lonely Man) | Chief | 1968 | | |
Ein Mann, den sie Pferd nannten (A Man Called Horse) | Medicine Man | 1970 | 7 | 5.43 |
El Condor | Santana | 1970 | 1 | 3 |
Eine Frau für Charley (The Cockeyed Cowboys Of Calico County) | Crazy Foot | 1970 | | |
Grauadler (Grayeagle) | Standing Bear | 1977 | | |
Chaos im Camp (Ernest Goes To Camp) | Old Indian 'Chief St. Cloud' | 1987 | | |