
Originaltitel The Count Of Monte Cristo (2002)
Genre Action | Adventure | Drama
Regie Kevin Reynolds
Jim CaviezelEdmond Dantes
Guy PearceFernand Mondego
Richard HarrisAbbé Faria
James FrainJ.F. Villefort
Dagmara DominczykMercedès Iguanada
Michael WincottArmand Dorleac
Luis GuzmánJacopo
Christopher AdamsonMaurice
JB BlancLuigi Vampa
Guy CarletonMansion Owner
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Land Vereinigtes Königreich | USA | Irland | Schweiz
Jahr 2002
Laufzeit 131 min
Studio Touchstone Pictures, Spyglass Entertainment, World 2000 Entertainment
FSK 12
Kinostart CH (de)30.05.2002
Kino Deutschschweiz Wochen: 2 / Besucher:

"The Count of Monte Cristo" is Alexandre Dumas’ classic story of an innocent man wrongly but deliberately imprisoned and his brilliant strategy for revenge against those who betrayed him. Dashing young sailor Edmond Dantes (JIM CAVIEZEL) is a guileless and honest young man whose peaceful life and plans to marry the beautiful Mercedes (DAGMARA DOMINCZYK) are abruptly shattered when his best friend Fernand (GUY PEARCE), who wants Mercedes for himself, deceives him. Set up to be unlawfully sentenced to the infamous island prison of Chateau D’If, Edmond is trapped in a nightmare that lasts for thirteen years. Haunted by the baffling course his life has taken, over time everything he ever believed about right and wrong is abandoned and replaced by all-consuming thoughts of vengeance against those who betrayed him. With the help of an equally innocent fellow inmate (RICHARD HARRIS), Dantes plots and succeeds in his mission to escape from prison, whereupon he transforms himself into the mysterious and wealthy Count of Monte Cristo. With cunning ruthlessness, he cleverly insinuates himself into the French nobility and systematically destroys the men who manipulated and enslaved him.


Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5.14 (Reviews: 7)Monte Cristo2002Kevin Reynolds

ha dä film gester im tv gseh! und ha dä film würkli super spannend gfunde!
sehr guete film

Kann Dir da im Prinzip nur zustimmen. Kleine Abzüge für das zu pathetische Ende und die Gott-lastigkeit, dazu fande ich es schade, dass im Hafen von Marseille alles auf Englisch angeschrieben war...aber sonst überraschend gut.

Jaja...gar nicht mal so übel....mehr oder weniger realistisch...

James Caviezel. Soy un admirador de James Caviezel.

Ansprechende Verfilmung mit einem überzeugenden Hauptdarsteller

Klassiker. Schöner Film.

Gute Unterhaltung, gut gespielt, spannend bis zum Schluss.

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